The World’s Longest Joke In The World, Joe Rut
February 1,2014
The Lost Church
San Francisco, Ca

The World’s Longest Joke In the World Is Funny

Laughter and music are like dragons and bowling: different yet casually awe inspiring. Laughter even kinda sounds like singing. Sometimes. They can both sound like maniacal chortling as well. Depends. I’ve always loved those funny musical acts. You know the kind, Dead Milkmen, Pansy Division, Super Adventure Club, shit like that. Candice asked me if I’d have any interest in seeing a show at a place called The Lost Church. It was something called The World’s Longest Joke In the World. “Nice. Is it one of those funny joke-bands?” I asked. “No, no. Not at all. Well, kinda.” “Alright. Cool. Is it…? I’m confused.” “Well…” she said. “Is it a play?” I then countered. “Ummm…Its kinda both.” I was pleasantly perplexed.

So we ventured to The Lost Church one chilly Saturday evening. (I say ventured because it rests on the brink of one of the more, shall we say, interesting blocks of Capp Street.) The Lost Church is this amazing manifestation of music and theater and comedy that is the converted dwelling of Elizabeth and Brett Cline. The spot has been the home of counter cultural art and music since the early 80’s, pockmarked by periods of hiatus; the most recent progeny of the space being The Lost Church. The Clines put up a stage with a very cozy seating situation for the audience on the first floor, then set up a bar upstairs where people can get all sloshy and friendly. There’s also a catwalk sort of arrangement up top where enthusiasts can watch the show from above, out of sight and in the true wings of the operation, embracing the Phantom within. I loved the place from the moment I sat down, drink in hand, and watched all the friendly, visibly awesome and familiar people milling about. Then, it happened, the lights dimmed, Brett took the stage to let us know about some upcoming radness at The Lost Church, including (holy shit) a play called The Return of Just Another Murderous Family Von Trapped In A Mansion!! That show will be running various dates through March. Need I say that I will be there? Well, I guess I just sorta did. Anyway, my interest was also summiting as I happened to see the drummer of one of the aforementioned bands, Super Adventure Club, setting things up on stage. Think it was a coincidence I mentioned them one paragraph ago? Duh, I’m a professional.

After Brett’s introduction, the first act of the night began. It was of the music variety, a single man by the name of Joe Rut wielding his guitar and singing us wonderfully folky ballads. This guy had me chuckling like a dumbass from song one. He sang us songs in a range of themes, including one involving a giant frat guy who stood in front of him at a show at The Fillmore, and another proclaiming himself to be sounding too much like U2 (bleck!). His humorous set was accented by some really good poetic lyrics, and holy shit can that man twiddle his guitar. For much of the act I was mesmerized by his dancing digits, it was like looking at a lava lamp or a fat guy running. He passed around a bag full of guitar picks that he’d cut out of old credit cards. I didn’t get one as our row was skipped somehow and it made me sad. Even though I never ever fucking play my guitar anymore and will allegedly never be a rock star. Sorry, just had to open that wound I guess.

After Joe Rut was done there was a brief intermission in which we all refreshed our beverages and soaked in the bitchen-ness. Thereafter the next act, the act of the night, took the stage. The troop consisted of Scott Houston on bass and omnichord, Jake Wood on drums (the very same one who I’d seen play for Super Adventure Club a couple years back) and the leading duo of Jason Kleinberg (of The Pine Box Boys and Diego’s Umbrella) and Eva Langman. Jason had an acoustic guitar by his side, and Eva had various props on the ready, including a big signboard. They were each armored with a microphone. Heretofore began the incredible show known as The World’s Longest Joke In the World. This shit blew my mind. Jason and Eva, lead us on a journey that fluctuated across a whole spectrum of eye-opening ear candy. Such included singing, telling stories, finishing each other’s sentences, holding up props, informing us of the many rules of telling jokes and, or course, farting. It was all founded on the story of Jason writing the world’s longest joke for an eighth grade assignment. He had a crush on his teacher. Obviously. I spent the entire time either grinning like a Cheshire or bellowing like a drunk uncle.

That show was better executed and much more expertly written than nine and a half out of ten of the piles of garbage you’ll see on any given TV show these days. I was in awe and all I could think during the duration of the show was, Holy G.D. crap, this is so good. As in riotous. I really hope they’re able to put it on again. But even if that is the unspeakable end of The World’s Longest Joke In the World, I can’t wait to see what’s brewin next for these guys, because that night was a testament to the fact that anything they do will be sheer golden flakes of farty amazingness. And I’ll be there, smiling and laughing and looking at Candice with eyes of wonder. Hope to see you there, dork.




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